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Who leads your life? Soul or Ego? Love or fear? Understand the difference.

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We are all part soul, part ego—they are fundamental aspects of the human experience. Both are needed, in appropriate circumstances and measurements. “Coming from soul” means you are acting from a place of love. “Coming from ego” means fear is directing your behavior.

Societies of the past honored a connection to inner wisdom but modern society has turned in a direction dominated by fear—ego. Modern life is ripe with fear-based triggers, and many people allow their ego to lead their lives, mostly. Fear signals danger and guides us to take action to ensure our safety. It is an apprpriate response in express situations, but not as a sweeping 24/7 response. For many, e.g., those who experience chronic anxiety, the presence of soul has become faint, and may even seem non-existant.

Do you know which aspect guides you mostly in your daily life? Soul vs Ego is a helpful tool for understanding which aspect is direting you at any given moment. It is easy and quick to use and may help let the consciousness of soul assume ego’s tendency to dominate your life and behaviour.

When you see through your own fear, it affects you less. When you realize, in specific situations, that fear causes other people to act the way that they do, their behavior too affect you less. Consequentially, the love vs fear understanding allows more soul-based feelings and responses into your life.

The Mechanics of  Soul vs Ego—What You Need to Know

Love and fear cannot cohabit your awareness at the same time. There is always a choice between the two at play in any moment.

All emotions, reactions, responses, and motivations boil down to either love or fear. What may seem like an altogether different emotion, reaction, etc., is, at its core, a measure of either love or fear. For instance, feeling neglected, acting aggressive, doubtful, or humiliated are fear-based whereas contentment, awe, amusement, or friendliness derive from love. No matter how we react, respond, feel, or are motivated, we are either coming from a place of soul or ego. That is, from either love or fear.

How You Know Soul

Coming from soul feels easy, uncomplicated. You are engaged in the present moment when you act from soul. Time is unimportant. You are in flow.

How You Know Ego

Coming from ego feels difficult, complicated. You are engaged in the past or in the future when you act from ego. Ego rushes. You are stuck or stagnant.

Soul’s characteristics: says “Yes,” supportive, generous, open-minded, likes adventure, new experiences, connection with others and a higher purpose.

Soul asks you to grow and explore all aspects of life.

Ego’s characteristics: says “No,” saboteur, stingy, close-minded, resists change, seeks approval, validation, and separation, likes control and comfort zones.

Ego wants you stuck in the familiar, in predictable routines.

Who leads you?

By checking in with yourself, in any given situation or moment, and using the above-mentioned characteristics, you can become aware of which place your (or another person’s) reaction, response, etc, come from. Soul or ego?

Ask yourself: How does it feel? Easy or difficult? Supportive or controlling?

Do you like what you observe and learn? Or would you like to change who leads you mostly?

Awareness helps us make different choices. It is the first step toward change— and that’s the true gift of soul vs ego awareness.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Dave

    This is an eye-opening look at how much perspective plays into our daily lives, moment by moment. It’s ironic that it’s so easy to get stuck in the rut of ego, almost as if allowing yourself to visit there pulls you back into that realm without any further invitation. These thoughts and the idea of opening ourselves up to soulful love is the perfect message to kickstart a new way of looking at things and situations moving forward, thank you!

    1. Anette Nilsson

      Thank you for your insights. Yes, “seeing from soul” is a great way to start looking at situations differently.

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